Wednesday, 19 December 2012

The news at the moment seems to be focused on investigations.  As current investigations report and the first reaction in almost any situation is now to call for an enquiry, we seem to be addicted to going back over old decisions.  Now where there have been miscarriages of justice, such as Hillsborough, this is long overdue.  However, I wonder how much most decisions really stand up when you look back at them, taking into account the beauty of hindsight?  And how many people are truly independent and unbiased?  We are all shaped by our upbringing, environment and personality, that we will all have a view on most things before we start.  Sometimes it seems we set impossible standards.

Under the façade, secrets squirmed vigorously, sending ripples that jarred her heartbeat.  Was it possible that no-one else could hear it?  She upped her smile’s wattage.

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