Thursday, 13 June 2013

The last month has been a period mainly focused on photography.  I have two main creative routes - writing fiction and taking pictures.  

I enjoy photography and am trying to progress beyond just snaps to more artistic and interesting photos.  Partial success, but a long way to go.  As I have been reading extensively to improve my writing, I've been looking at a lot of exhibitions and portfolios to try to improve my photography.  Imitation - possibly, but I see it as trying to understand how things are created so that I can help my own style to develop.

Because the more that I write and the more I take pictures, I find I am developing a style.  This was something that always made me nervous - doesn't that mean you are just producing the same thing every time?  As I review the pictures and edit the text, I find myself thinking more of companies with brand guidelines and how a consistent approach can make the underlying message easier to read.  So, now that I have found my groove, I'm going to follow it.  For the first time in my life, I have style...

Hemmed in, ignored.  Warm, not required to do anything, speak to anyone, for an hour of oblivion.  The commute was his favourite time of the day

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