Sunday, 5 August 2012

Supportive or supporter? I read yesterday that Clint Eastwood, the actor and director, has endorsed Mitt Romney for US president.  I find this rather odd, not because one thinks of actors as traditionally Democrats, but more because of how odd it would be the other way around.  We would think it ridiculous if Obama told a director that he preferred Meryl Streep to Glenn Close for the next lead role or David Cameron told Simon Cowell who should win his next talent competition.  So why does this happen?  Are people so incapable of making up their mind that they will only do what someone else tells them?  It does lead on to the question of what is support?  Athletes have talked about the support from the crowd in London pushing them on, but is it always productive?  And do we recognise the boundary when support becomes a crutch?

“You never support me.”  The voice rose to a shrill keening, words emphasised by flailing arms.  “You expect me to cope with everything.”
“And you do.”

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