Thursday 15 August 2013

OK, so I didn't mean for a month to go past. So what has happened to make it so busy?  Well, not much really.  My head has been down, typing frantically.  And it's meant a lot of words down.

Sometimes I have a fantasy about not having to work and being a writer all day.  And then, rapidly, it passes as I think how much I would miss.  The whispered argument on the train, the look on someone's face as they read a message, the twitch of someone's foot as they wait for a train to get in...

His foot expressed his frustration.  Just yards from the station, but they had stopped again.  He could phone, but the words needed the support of fists.


  1. I have the same fantasy. I know it would be a happy existence for me. Coffee and my laptop is all I need. Maybe in retirement...

    1. The sad thing was when I tried the visualisation technique and I looked at a woman on the train opposite me and imagined that the book she was reading was my book.

      Then it hit me that even in my vision, that meant I was still commuting - I think I've been doing it so long, it is Stockholm Syndrome...
