Sunday 10 June 2012

Yes, I admit, it's been a week.  I fall back on the reliable excuse of blaming the technology,  being on hols for a week using a netbook, rather than a desk top.  Still, I'm back now and looking out of my window at blue sky, when the rain whilst we were away was relentless.  Sigh.  What scares me is how we may think we are big-shots, but the weather can have such a powerful effect upon personality and willingness to do things.  I found myself slumping at the greyness of it all.  Still, you find nuggets - the second's worth of view when the clouds clear, the joy of finding a pub with a fire going.  You take pleasure where you find it.

The rain was persistent and penetrating.  It hadn’t got through her clothes, remaining on the outside in beads, each a miniature world.  Her soul was soaked.

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